Micro-algae technologies include Species collection and breeding technology, traits selection and high-yield cultivation
techniques, industrial harvesting and transformation system, and refining technology.
Microalgae cultivation, selection, collection and product application technologies are our main R & D focuses for aquatic
biomass technology. After four years of extensive research and development, we have developed a comprehensive technology
and product platform. In terms of selecting algae species, the company has screened micro-algae species from China's
coastal natural environment with our separation and purification technology, thus establishing germplasm banks containing
a variety of marine microalgae which provides the basis and conditions for large-scale microalgae cultivation. In
microalgae breeding areas, using our unique secondary amplification culture techniques, the company has obtained a
considerable amount of algae species that can be used for industrial production. In the magnified microalgae cultivation
aspect, the company has achieved large-scale cultures using open runway pool and a large reactor. In algae collection,
a low-cost and efficient collect ion technology has been developed through an integrated process, including membrane
filtration, natural sedimentation and centrifugal separation.