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发布时间:2016/9/8 9:27:49  阅读次数:78


    类胡萝卜素作为有机色素,在多种重要的生理功能中发挥作用,而且它还可以作为衡量动物个体质量的指标。动物通过饮食获取这些类胡萝卜素,然后在体内经特定的酶促反应生成其它类胡萝卜素。农场饲养或者野生红腿鹧鸪的食物主要是富含叶黄素和玉米黄质的谷物。这两种类胡萝卜素在红腿鹧鸪内部组织和血液中含量最高。但是,在红腿鹧鸪的表皮中虾青素和蝶刺桐酮(最后被鉴定的)游离存在或者是与脂肪酸发生酯化反应。根据有关动物中类胡萝卜素代谢机制的文献,我们认为虾青素(λ max = 478 nm)和蝶刺桐酮(λ max = 452-478 nm)分别是食物中叶黄素和玉米黄质转化后颜色趋同的结果。而且,本研究通过液相和质谱相结合的方法第一次在脊椎动物的皮肤(不是羽毛)中鉴定出蝶刺桐酮。虾青素和蝶刺桐酮的化学分子结构及颜色很相近,这两种酮类类胡萝卜素是造成红腿鹧鸪表皮红色的主要原因。


Astaxanthin and papilioerythrinone in the skin of birds: a chromatic convergence of two metabolic routes with different precursors?




        Carotenoids are organic pigments involved in several important physiological functions and may serve as indicators of individual quality in animals. These pigments are only obtained by animals from the diet, but they can be later transformed into other carotenoids by specific enzymatic reactions. The diet of farm-reared and probably wild red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) is mainly based on cereals that contain high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin. These two carotenoids are also predominant in internal tissues and blood of red-legged partridges. However, in their integuments, astaxanthin and papilioerythrinone (the last one identified in this work) are mainly present in their free form and esterified with fatty acids. According to available literature about carotenoid metabolism in animals, we propose that astaxanthin (λ max=478 nm) and papilioerythrinone (λ max=452-478 nm) are the result of a chromatic convergence of the transformation of dietary zeaxanthin and lutein, respectively. Moreover, the results obtained in this work provide the first identification by liquid chromatography coupled to accurate mass quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometer system of papilioerythrinone (m/z 581.3989 [M+H](+)) in the skin (i.e., not feathers) of a vertebrate. Astaxanthin and papilioerythrinone are very close in terms of chemical structure and coloration, and the combination of these two keto-carotenoids is responsible for the red color of the ornaments in red-legged partridges. 


Naturwissenschaften. 2014, 101(5):407-16。 
García-de Blas E, Mateo R, Guzmán Bernardo FJ, Rodríguez Martín-Doimeadios RC,Alonso-Alvarez C.

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